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Artisan Gemstone Jewelry | affordably priced luxury!

Some Thoughts on Artisan jewelry...

Studio, Artisan JewelryDeborah LynchComment

Artisan jewelry is now a huge market. Many artisans have entered the field and have not only produced some beautiful and exquisite projects, but many are crossovers into other industries, such as computers, and furniture. Even architecture.

What sets all projects apart is the specific use of materials and their intended purpose. With jewelry, the most important medium is the stringing method employed. With Artisan jewelry, the better the quality of medium chosen, the better the product looks, feels, and lasts. Whether it be chain, beading stringing materials, jute, or silk, the higher the quality, the better the jewelry looks, wears, and lasts without breaking or falling apart, or needing repairs.

After that, the best quality gemstones, clasps, bead caps, and findings in general, should be employed. Even the tools one uses to work are important; pliers with silicone tips to prevent scratching are of immense assistance towards this end.

But whatever your design preference in jewelry, Artisan handmade jewelry is the ONLY way to get that “custom” feeling, without the custom or bespoke price. It is here to stay with us.